Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Welcome to our photos! It takes a bit of time to upload them, so we'll do a little at a time.

After about 35 hours of travel we finally landed in Sydney. Then we headed on a three hour plane ride to Cairns where our journey began. Cairns is located in North Eastern Australia.

This first picture shows you the outside of the Cairns Museum (which I guess is fairly obvious given the sign.) Anyway, there are some photos of the inside of the museum on another page.

This is a photo of the inside of our first hostel- Caravella Backpackers. It's pretty nice because it's located along the lagoon, which is a boardwalk that follows the Coral Sea. It was relatively inexpensive and dinner was included each night at a local pub.

This is the view from our hostel.

This photo is a tribute to my Mom and all others who have a special place in their heart for Target. A lot of people out here love it. However, I must say that it's not as good as the ones in the US.

Upon arrival to this great land, Dave and I had no idea what XXXX was for. We often saw XXXX around bars or hotels. So we thought it had something to do with porn or something. We kept seeing more and more of these signs and we started to get some weird feelings about Aussies. Then we found out it's a type of beer. Relief!


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