Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Cairns cont'd again

These huge trees are all over Cairns. P.S. Don't judge us for wearing these HUGE brimmed hats- the sun out here is unreal.

Ah....Katie's Centre. There's also a store in Brisbane called Katie's.

My favourite pic of Cairns. These are the mountains and you can see them everywhere you walk in Cairns. They are absolutely gorgeous. Tomorrow night we'll put up pics of our trip up a mountain in the rainforest.

This tree is so big it makes Dave look super short.

Birds on the edge of the Coral Sea.

We had an under water camera for our snorkeling trip to the Great Barrier Reef, so as soon as those are developed we'll put them up. We've taken plently more pics, so we'll continue to put them up each night!


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