Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Swinging bridge....waaaay hiiigh up!

This is a really high bridge (on top of the trees) that faces a beautiful waterfall. Only two people are allowed on it at a time. It's also a swining bridge- so it's slightly terrifying!

Spider cave!

Henty Sand Dunes- 4 WD


Henty sand dunes- the beach

This is the most remote beach in Australia.

The whale skeletons washed on shore.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Tasmania- Day 2- Henty Sand Dunes

This is Dave after drinking night #1. If you look closely in the sand, it reads : "Crash and burn day 2." He became a tourist attraction.

Climbing the dunes.

Drinking games first night

"Roger Federer"
"Dave Sucks"
"15, 17, 18"

Queenstown- mullet hunting

Mission: Mullet hunting. Result: success. So hot right now.

More Queenstown.

The ugliest house in Australia...if not the world.

More Queenstown.

Tasmania day 1- Queenstown

This is the rock that was destroyed by acid rain. The town tried to fix it by bringing in a city beautification project...BUT- the townies ripped all the trees out because they liked it as it was.

Tasmania day 1-Beautiful scenery

This waterfall is not far off the road we were travelling on.

West coast mountains.

Hike to the waterfall.

More west coast mountains.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Tall trees walk- National Park

The View over looking the valley

A stunning couple

A 100 meter tall tree's trunk

Our German friend Michael and Dave

A waterfall

More photos leaving Hobart

Tassie day 1- leaving Hobart

This is some of the roadside scenery we saw leaving Hobart.

We almost hit this thing- then our tour guide hopped out of the bus and picked him up so we could see it close up!

Our tour bus!
More roadside scenery!

North Stradbroke Island 2