Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Queensland Orchestra

This is the beautiful building where we saw the Queensland Orchestra- they were amazing!

Straight ahead where you see the pipes is where the organ player sits.

On either side of the building, two trumpet players play from the balconies.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

More of the gardens

Thursday, November 02, 2006

The Botanical Gardens

The rainforest inside the gardens.

More Brisbane

We thought of Sachin!



Lori- this one's for you...from the Chomper.

Candy night!

Koala cuddling photo on the net

Click on this link to see a cool photo of Daver and I (more photos from the Koala Sanctuary to come!)


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Downtown Brisbane

Our first and last day as telemarketers.

More Birsbane- ANZAC memorial

A building that pays tribute to the men and women who have fought for Australia and New Zealand.

Brisbane city council

A painting from the art gallery in city council.

Outside city council.

Another painting inside the city council art gallery.

Dave and le lion.

Inside city council.
The view from our second hostel in Brisbane.

Night view.

View of the city from another bridge.

Brisbane 3

The back of the Brisbane Casino.

A view from the bridge that Dave takes everyday to get to work. This is a view of the Central Business District.

The front of the Brisbane Casino. It's really neat because it has palm trees growing through the floors.

Brisbane 2

These are the cliffs at the end of our road, by the river. They turn a really cool colour when the sun sets.

This is the pedestrian only bridge by our place.

The cliffs again.

Another view from the top of our street.

Brisbane: Katie's Walk to work

I have such a beautiful walk to work every single day. Here are some of the things I see on the way.

This is the man-made beach.

This is the pretty walkway.

This is one of the monuments that signifies Brisbane's friendship with a city in Japan.

Palm trees!

The view from the end of our street. Across the river is the Central Business District, where Dave works.